Scientific Topics
The curriculum in Engineering Management focuses on complex systems’ integration processes, both from a technical and managerial perspectives. The need for integration is triggered by multiple causes: increased technological complexity of products and services; globalization and delocalization and outsourcing strategies; the emergence of new network organizational structures. The consequences on production processes are: shortened products’ life cycles, integrated supply chain, smaller production lots, the need for more sophisticated managerial control systems. The curriculum’s main topics are: design of flexible production systems, design of intra and inter organizational processes, resources and production planning, logistics and supply chain, organizational control, knowledge management, network of firms, management of information flows enabled by new information and communication technologies (ICT).
The curriculum in Mechatronics and Energetic Engineering focuses on strategic research areas in the fields of innovative mechatronics devices and systems, and of technologies for energy generation and delivery and for energy efficiency. The fundamental and applied research areas dedicated to the integration of different technologies to realize innovative mechatronics devices and systems, and to develop technologies for high energy efficient systems are crucial in the international scientific research scenario. In addition, these research areas have a strong impact on the economic industry. In details, the above mentioned curriculum will deal with topics related to the development of smart mechatronics materials, the fluid power, the development of industrial electronic systems and devices, the control and the optimization of production and robotic systems, the power generation from renewable energy sources, the high efficiency energy conversion and delivery, the analysis and monitoring of the impact on the environment through wireless sensor networks, the impact of human factor on the product design.
Educational Targets
Curriculum in Engineering Management. The educational goals relate to the development of knowledge and skills concerning production and supply chain management, sizing of production systems, the analysis of advanced optimization models, organizational design, project management, the development and application of ICTs.
Curriculum in Mechatronics and Energetic Engineering. The educational goals are the dep investigation and the multidisciplinary integration of theoretical and applied research knowledge in both mechatronics and energetic engineering fields. Particular attention is dedicated to the methods for designing mechatronics devices and systems; mechatronics system control; innovative systems for energy production and delivery; high efficiency production technologies.
The PhD course offers professional opportunities in terms of academic positions, start-up of new hi-tech companies, employment in manufacturing and consulting firms.
Curriculum in Engineering Management. Employment opportunities include manufacturing companies, traditional and advanced added-value service companies, public administrations, private and public research laboratories. Ph.D. laureates will be able to cover positions of design, research and consulting in every context where engineering and managerial competences are required in order to handle situations characterized by technological constraints and opportunities.
Curriculum in Mechatronics and Energetic Engineering. Employment opportunities include several industrial areas, traditional and advanced added-value service companies, and private and public research laboratories. Ph.D. laureates will have the professional skills to deal with complex research problems oriented to the design and the development of Mechatronics devices and systems with high technological content and systems for high energy efficiency.
The program consist of 180 credits. The credits are awarded by the Doctorate School commission according to the following criteria: