General School Plan

The School is organized trough the ECTS Method.

PhD School " Industrial Innovation Engineering"

The grand total of ECTS that students have to earn during the three years of the course is 180, with the following constraints:

- ECTS to be earned with didactical activities: to be earned: not less than 42

- ETCS to be earned with scientific activities: not less than 105

- The thesis is worth 15 ECTS


ECTS per Year

ETCS are to be earned on an yearly basis according the following constraints:

1st year
Didactical duties : at least 22 ECTS
Scientific activity : at least 25 ECTS
The total should be at least 60 ETCS

2nd year
Didactical duties : at least 12 ECTS
Scientific activity : at least 35 ECTS

The total should be at least 60 ETCS

3rd year
Scientific activity : at least 45 ECTS
PhD thesis : 15 ECTS

The total should be at least 60 ETCS

The didactical duties consist of four categories of training activities. For each category there is a maximum of ECTS that can be considered for the final assessment

Category of training activity Maximum ECTS
A Lectures from PhD courses 100% 42
B Lectures  from master degree  or master courses 70% 29
C Seminars  / Tutorials / Plenaries 40% 16
D Workshops/ Training schools / Congresses 70% 29