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PhD Seminar - Fleet management for intralogistics with AGVs and AMRs

PhD Seminar - Fleet management for intralogistics with AGVs and AMRs

Assist. Prof. Rok Vrabič, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana

Date: 27/06/23 

Room: Classroom  F0.2 

Time schedule: 14:30

Language: English

PhD credits: 1 ECTS

Contents: Assist. prof. Rok Vrabič, from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, will present their current research projects in the domains of robotics, including a simulator for student competitions, a collaborative robot for medical therapies, fleet management for industrial autonomous mobile robots, and their emerging research in the domain of space robotics. Dr. Tena Žužek and assist. prof. Rok Vrabič, from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, will present their latest research on intralogistic systems with Autonomous Guided Vehicles and Autonomous Mobile Robots, including new methods for setting up vehicle routing based on the specifics of an intralogistic problem.

Additional information about the event can be requested by email contacting Prof. Lorenzo Sabattini (